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Aliens: Do they really exist?

What if someday you wake up from your sleep and an unusual

sound is heard from the terrace... You immediately run upstairs to find the source of sound and voila!! You are in utter disbelief... The sight of a strange unusual body is sending you

chills down your spine. You are unable to figure out whether

you are in your dreamy world or in some another universe.

Group of such strange, unusual, half-human, half-animal like bodies surround you. They have a strange appearance and they are uttering sound that you probably have never heard, and they are pointing towards a star in the sky, probably trying to

tell you the source where they came from. Immediately, the word comes in your mind... Aliens!! You start thinking- Have they really come from another planet? Am I the only lucky one in the whole world to spot them? Or do they come to the Earth

on regular intervals, do their research here, and quickly vanish off?

Sounds like a fiction story. . right? But all the people in the world must have at least once in their lifetime given a thought to this, thanks to the script writers and fiction story- tellers

who, from time to time, give wings to such imaginations and stresses people to think about their existence. The thought of their existence has also fascinated astronomers and

researchers, who continuously are on a space mission and study about the existence of life on other planets.

How wonderful is our planet Earth? There are billions of species on this Earth, and another billions are yet to be discovered by the scientists. There are a lot of mysteries which remains unsolved till now and might require some more decades or

centuries to finally come to any conclusion. Take for example,

The Great Pyramid of Egypt, one of the seven wonders of the Ancient World, perfectly aligned to the constellation Orion.Theorem of Geometry or trigonometry, which forms the basis for such construction, was discovered years later. How, then,was such perfect alignment of structures created and what does the pointing towards three stars in the sky indicate? Some

theorists are of the view that aliens from these three stars came to the Earth, built these structures and went away to their own world. Probably, the pointing towards these three stars were done to remind the people that they must not forget

that some other universe also exists and are far more developed than what we are here on this Earth.

US Space agency NASA has also reported of having sighted

UFOs ( Unidentified Flying Objects) from time to time, but the source of such flying objects remains an unsolved puzzle. Our Earth holds a small place in our Solar System. There are billions of such Solar Systems and another billions of planets in the Universe. The Universe itself is constantly expanding with time. So, possibility of life on not just one planet, but many other planets might exist. Unfortunately, our Science and technology has not developed to that extent where we can solve all mysteries about the Universe and encounter with the aliens of other planets. But I look forward to the day when we will be extending our hands of friendship to the ones living in other planets. Probably it will take millions of births to be able to visualize that day, but imagine, once the mysteries are solved, our perception towards the world and the universe will

change forever and help us understand more about our


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